Monday, June 1, 2009

Video Game Withdrawl...

From that very day at age six when I received my first GameBoy I have been addicted to video games. That was also a day my parents deeply regret. The longest stretches of when I wouldn't play video games would be obviously when I had a girlfriend (Megan Kopka being the exception because she loved them). Also video games exist here too. However FIFA World Soccer is a bigger video game here then Halo...I just can't understand that. Back to the point though. By the time I have posted this message, it would have been 120 days, 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 48 seconds since I have last played any video game.

I am proud of myself, but I hate to admit that I had to go through withdrawl symptoms when I looked up the new downloadable content for Fallout 3 on Xbox Live...reading that almost made me cry for my 'precious.' However, because I am planning on staying for the summer it will be atleast another 70 days before I will play another video game (I hope).

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