Monday, May 18, 2009

Pizza, Bad Scifi Movies, Icecream Sandwiches, Mongolian BBQ, Futbol and Good Beer

Basically Spring Break has dwindled down my personal spending money to zero, so I have been trying to be as cheap as possible to ease the burden of my home support. It all started though with the crazy idea of watching a scifi movie that is so bad, its funny. The scifi was Flash Gordon! It was the second worse film I have ever watched. The worst film was by the one I saw the week later, which was pretty much Turks doing their own version of Star Wars. It was by far the worst movie in the world. I was laughing for a little bit about how bad it was, but overall I was just astonished by how the film sucked so badly! That is what it has come down to. I don't have enough money to go out to Taksim or Besiktas like all the other students, and I don't have enough money to eat out at nice restaurants anymore. I have been raiding people's kitchens all so that I can cook for myself. Anything to cut down on expenses. I was so desperate that I postponed getting a haircut for a couple of weeks. It was getting to the point where I actually had hair growing over my ears. It was at that time I buckled down and paid for a haircut.

So on weekends, I typically hang out with Lessa, Ross, Ohad, Maddy, Vilena, Ali, and Gorkem on the weekends. We either make a potluck dinner together which consists of a certain meat (either chicken or lamb) and then noodles with whatever we can throw in with. I have so far provided cheap desert such as icecream or bakliva found at the local Megacenter. One night I provided lamb and made lambchops for everyone (proof that I am honing my cooking skills). Last Saturday night, I provided my labtop which was used to watch House Md. on and to listen to my wide selection of music which included Steven Hawking (aka The Hawkman) typing his hit "E=mc..." and Vance Gilbert's "Country Western Rap."

Two weeks ago I did branch out to go to a cookout with Leyla. I met a couple of people from Britain who were also studying at Bogaziçi. They served up some delicious fish, burgers, kofte, and chicken wings. It all came with grilled vegtables, and a nice assortment of beverages which ranged from Coke and Fanta to Efes, Cheap Red Wine, and Raki. For all future travelers to Turkey, raki goes together with fish very well, and nothing else! Raki and grilled chicken is a disasterous combination. It was fun though. I got to see a different part of the city, meet new people, find out more about who is looking for apartments, and find out who is looking for new tenents to look after their apartments for the summer. It is possible that Leyla and I might live together since we are looking for additional roommates to help split the rent with. Later that night, I left the cookout to go back to campus to watch Sportsfest. Sportsfest is this event at Bogaziçi that happens every spring where schools from all around the world come to compete in a variety of different sports competitions. The openning ceremony occured the night before and it involved traditional dances from each of the host countries. I got to the Waltz along with Irish Tap Dancing all before traditional Turkish Dance. It was cool.

Anyhow, my three friends, Nadine, Ryan, and Fauna, were playing for Bogaziçi's Girls Soccer Team, so I decided to root them on for the rest of the night. They were very successful that day playing two matches and sweeping them both. The match I watched was Bogaziçi vs. Bulgaria's team. It was fun.

This has what my free days have been like though lately. I stay close to campus, I avoid the expensive outings, and I study and work. Thankfully though that is about over.

(took me a while to finish this post since I was busy)

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