Thursday, February 19, 2009

Very Up and Down Monday & Tuesday

I had the most hilly Monday ever. However, the metaphorical hill never went came back to ground level thank god. Basically I woke up a little bit later then expected and had to book it to get to Matrix Theory. Unfortunately, I arrive to late and the professor thought I wasn't there so he started teaching the class in Turkish. Thank god it was a math class or else I would have been completely lost. Later that day I went to Linear Algebra and received the bad news that I was preparing for. It turns out that this course is much more rigorous then the one taught at ISU and I needed the prerequisite Matrix Theory which I am still currently taking. I had to drop this course pronto. Thankfully the adviser was helpful and she allowed me to alter my schedule so that I could drop the class and then add a Political Science of the Middle East class. That class is much more interesting anyway.

Later that day, I met up with Erman and Crystal and we went to a restaurant called "Wonderland." It was a great place for students. It had a cafe feel & setting, but with the atmosphere of a bar. The food was also good, and not very pricey. I especially liked how the menu was both in Turkish and English. Afterward, we went to a little desert place and finished our meal with Turkiye's famous Baklava and Apple Tea. What happened later that night was the best part of the day but that deserves a post all to itself.

The next day I was bummed out to find that my stats class was catered more for Biology students who have never taken a probability class. So the class was to focus more on Probability then actual Statistics which was like repeating the class over again for me. Luckily I got into a different stats class. The only difference is that it is in the econ department, but it should still transfer back to ISU. All my classes are thankfully somewhat interesting and helpful. My classes are as follows: Matrix Theory (4), Mathematical Statistics II (3), Game Theory (3), Politics of the Middle East (3), and Turkish (4). The only problem is that I am going to have to miss two classes every week because some of my classes overlap. This is going to be a huge setback. However, as compared to the workload of graduate classes, I am more then prepared to take these kind of classes.

Later that night, Crystal and I introduced Borat to Erman. Happy Times!

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