Monday night, I did something very few people have ever done before. I had a snowball fight in Istanbul. It was a rare snowfall in Istanbul that rarely happens, and I got to experience it. Even though I had enough snow in Illinois during the winter, this was better. It was "Istanbul Snow" that was higher in quality then "Illinois Snow." For instance, the packability was better in Istanbul which made for better snowballs. Also we have engineering students who did interesting things with snowmen so yeah...BEAT THAT ISU. We also walked around just enjoying the scenery. I also met up with a bunch of other guys building a really cool snowman. We got to talking and they were really cool guys. However, like most Turks, they tried converting me...to football. And by football I don't meen that sport back in the US that barely uses the body part called a foot. They like setting up football/soccer games, and I gave them my number so that they could text me when they wanted to play. Too bad I haven't played for so long...
Overall, it was a wonderful night.
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