Saturday, March 28, 2009


The week after Cappadocia, I was rocked by two Midterms. The first one was for my Turkish class, which turned out to be not that bad. I might have over studied for it, but I also definitely studied the wrong material (the professor was however very vague about what was on the test. The other midterm that was right after that was Politics and Society of the Middle East. I totally wanted to ace that test, but regretably the night before, I wasn't feeling so well in the head and in the back. I had a horrible headache, which then caused me to have stomach irritation. That was troublesome. I got through it alright, but the test I wasn't so lucky in. The midterm was entirely essays, and I remembered enough to get by, but I also didn't know enough to get ahead. The next couple of weekends though, I have to stay near Istanbul because of all the midterms I am going to be having. It feels like the worst downer ever experienced because I didn't want to leave Cappadocia.

The next weekend after that all I did was study for my Matrix Theory or Elementary Linear Algebra Final. I don't think that it helped much though. When it comes to those abstract proofs, I just find it the most difficult thing in the world to piece together and to contemplate. Needless to say, it was bad. As I am writing this I am also looking at the answers knowing full well that I probably failed. It sucks! Matrix Theory has been my Achilles Heel it seems for the entire school year this year! No wonder why everyone despises the course. However, I have recently opted to become a Mathematics major at ISU. This has to do with my stubbornness to engage in challenging things that will inevitably make me miserable. I love math, and I feel like a coward if I don't live up to my potential.

Next week I have two midterms: Statistics and Game Theory. Those will be so much better I believe then the last ones because that kind of logic and math surrenders itself to my knowing!

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