Saturday, August 1, 2009


To tourists they are the biggest con artists in the world. On our way to the bus terminal in Tbilisi we agreed to pay 5 lari for the ride to. When we got there, with our stuff in the trunk of the taxi and the bus about to leave, he then demanded 7 lari. I lost it right then and there. I reminded him that the deal was for 5 lari, and he was incredibly rude about it. If this were Japan during the 15/16 Century, his head would have been lopped off by a samurai's sword (preferably mine). Ross didn't think it was worth it to argue over two lari but to me it is everything. You can't just give into this behavior. Unfortunately I had to in order to make the bus. I handed over the extra two lari and told him to help us with our bags. Once we had all of our things, I concluded our business with the following words in Turkish: "Oruspu çocuğu senin amına koyim!" He twisted his eyebrow at me, curled his lip and went back into his cab, and drove off but not before I said within earshot the english translation. If he has seen any American movies that haven't been voiced over, then he should have understood what I told him.

It isn't just this time either. There was the previous Taxi driver on our first night in Tbilisi who kept trying to screw us by raising the price on us. Also a lot of taxi drivers in Istanbul are just disgusting. One of them tried taking advantage of my friend while she was drunk and trying to get home. The only cab drivers I didn't have a problem with were the ones down in Diyarbakir. They were kind and very helpful.

The experience in Tbilisi angered me the entire ride back to Turkey. That plus we had to sit in a very small bus with little leg room and I couldn't sleep to save the life of me until people started getting off the bus. I was so tired when we got to the border that I was disoriented and incredibly hot headed. Ross noticed this, asked me if I was tired and I said "very." Then he responded sarcastically, "oh poor baby." My arm came 5mm away from smacking his face. I was able to stop myself at the last moment. Word to the wise: never upset me when I am tired and angered.